We have a new face joined our team to provide your oral health care

Welcome to the first Newsletter of 2018. The sparkle and dark nights are behind us and I’m sure you are all looking forward to the lighter evenings as much as we are. Packed in this first Newsletter of the Year we start with a glowing patient testimonial on the services we provide – Well done Team! We are delighted to introduce a new dentist to the team (Vangelis) and in other topics we talk about cold sores and onions (yes, you heard me right – onions!). In other news, as many of you are aware, Rob Cookson became a grandfather in the Autumn. Christmas was a very special time with his granddaughter; all I will say is ‘Generations’ (all is revealed below). Finally we would love you to take part in the Buckingham Half Marathon on 20th May 2018. We are sponsoring this great local event – get your trainers out and join us on this day with Buckingham and Stowe Running Club. Have a great month!

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