COVID Information

We are open as usual!

Dear Patients,

We would like to reassure you that we are now back to our usual working hours.

The Minister of Health confirmed that dental practices are essential services and will not be affected and you are encouraged to keep your appointments.

Your safety and oral health is our priority and we look forward to seeing you.  Dental Practices are one of the safest and highly regulated environments and we  wear all the necessary Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and continue to follow our high standards.

When booking your appointment and prior to your visit we will ask you to complete a pre-COVID questionnaire. If you need help completing this our reception team are here to assist.

When you arrive: 

Please wait outside the practice at the time of your appointment.  Our reception team will call you when it is time to see you.

We advise that face masks are worn at all times while inside the practice until your examination or treatment takes place when you will be asked to remove it.

Hand sanitiser is provided upon arrival and we keep your possessions safely in a box to avoid/reduce any contamination in the surgeries.  We will also check your temperature.  It will be very helpful if you can avoid bringing in any shopping into the practice if at all possible.

We thank you for your patience during this difficult time and look forward to seeing you. 

There is a short video link attached to show you how we are working to keep you safe to continue caring for your oral health.

The Gallery Dental Group Team

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